My Pros and Cons List for Binder Journaling I’m feeling more reflective these days. With several life transitions, personal challenges and goals, I’m writing to work through it all. To accomodate my journaling habit, I’ve been playing around with journaling
End of the Year Reflection – 2024 I was in a bit of a fog yesterday. Ending the year can feel difficult because we tend to reflect on what we’ve done, what we’re doing, and what’s next. In most areas
Running (ultra) long distances demands focus Training for this ultralong run has incidentally taught me how to better focus. It has also helped me internalize the natural shifts that come with focus. So what’s next for me? I’m thinking of
Keeping Time, Creating Space, and Noting Challenges of a Regular Writing Practice The early morning is my favorite time of day. I enjoy the quiet of the morning. Nothing is expected from me when I wake up, and it’s a
Disengaging, Reengaging, and Prioritizing Life Balance. Mondays have been somewhat of a struggle for me. I try start my work day before 8 AM, but that sometimes feels impossible. I sit at my desk, stare at my notebooks, open my
Digital and analog dream journaling over the years. I journal about nearly everything that happens in my life. That includes any dreams I have that I find interesting. Because my journaling methods have changed over the years from being completely
A tiny blog on ergonomic mice and customizable buttons that allow for a minimalistic workspace. Most of my work is done in front of a computer. The tools that I use for my work are important to me. I have
What motivates you to write? There are only a couple of creative habits that I try to practice every day. Writing is both of them. In the mornings, I journal. Lately, I’ve also been taking time to read and write
Personal meditations on tools for creativity, productivity, and time. I wanted a new device, a new app, a new something. I had fallen prey to a common productivity trap, looking for a new tool to solve all of my problems.