Keeping Time, Creating Space, and Noting Challenges of a Regular Writing Practice The early morning is my favorite time of day. I enjoy the quiet of the morning. Nothing is expected from me when I wake up, and it’s a
Disengaging, Reengaging, and Prioritizing Life Balance. Mondays have been somewhat of a struggle for me. I try start my work day before 8 AM, but that sometimes feels impossible. I sit at my desk, stare at my notebooks, open my
Digital and analog dream journaling over the years. I journal about nearly everything that happens in my life. That includes any dreams I have that I find interesting. Because my journaling methods have changed over the years from being completely
A tiny blog on ergonomic mice and customizable buttons that allow for a minimalistic workspace. Most of my work is done in front of a computer. The tools that I use for my work are important to me. I have
What motivates you to write? There are only a couple of creative habits that I try to practice every day. Writing is both of them. In the mornings, I journal. Lately, I’ve also been taking time to read and write
Personal meditations on tools for creativity, productivity, and time. I wanted a new device, a new app, a new something. I had fallen prey to a common productivity trap, looking for a new tool to solve all of my problems.