What Hirayama Taught Me About Getting Through the Day Anyone who has spent more than a day with me will know I tend to maintain rigid rituals, habits, and schedules. I keep fairly strict rituals for winding down my day,
Disengaging, Reengaging, and Prioritizing Life Balance. Mondays have been somewhat of a struggle for me. I try start my work day before 8 AM, but that sometimes feels impossible. I sit at my desk, stare at my notebooks, open my
Writing, Reflection, Refocusing, and Next Steps.
A tiny blog on ergonomic mice and customizable buttons that allow for a minimalistic workspace. Most of my work is done in front of a computer. The tools that I use for my work are important to me. I have
A Few Steps I’ve Used To Navigate Presentations as a highly introverted (and often Nervous) human The most important advice that you need to prepare for a presentation is to do what makes you feel most comfortable. Those criteria