My Pros and Cons List for Binder Journaling I’m feeling more reflective these days. With several life transitions, personal challenges and goals, I’m writing to work through it all. To accomodate my journaling habit, I’ve been playing around with journaling
Running (ultra) long distances demands focus Training for this ultralong run has incidentally taught me how to better focus. It has also helped me internalize the natural shifts that come with focus. So what’s next for me? I’m thinking of
I will leave you with a writing quote I found comforting that I discovered on Elliot Chan’s YouTube channel. “As things stand now, I am going to be a writer. I’m not sure that I’m going to be a
Journaling thought loops and problem-focused coping. When I was an undergraduate, I took a course in health psychology. It was one of my favorite courses, taught by one of my favorite professors. She explained the difference between emotion- and problem-focused
Disengaging, Reengaging, and Prioritizing Life Balance. Mondays have been somewhat of a struggle for me. I try start my work day before 8 AM, but that sometimes feels impossible. I sit at my desk, stare at my notebooks, open my
Research-related theories on sleep and dreaming. I journal about my dreams. I like to document the workings of my unconscious mind and evaluate what I may be processing during sleep. But how much should we really pay attention to our dreams and
Our perceptions of ourselves and those around us are related to how well we sleep. The world looks different on little to no sleep. It’s something that we’ve all experienced at some point and have had to